Who can agree that left over mac ‘n cheese is AHHHMAZING for the first day and then after that it just stares at you in the fridge as you move things around it?! Just me? I don’t like waste, so mac ‘n cheese has been made into many different things over the years as a leftover. And here is my, not really a recipe, mac ‘n cheese tomato soup! It’s basically like a grilled cheese and tomato soup, but instead with mac ‘n cheese cooked into the tomato soup. I hope I didn’t lose you with that, but trust me, it’s so good and the perfect lunch for kids!! Especially when they are out of school and constantly ask for something to eat. IYKYK

Mac ‘n Cheese Soup
- 1 can tomato soup
- 1 1/2 cups cooked mac ‘n cheese, leftovers work perfectly for this
- Burrata cheese or any shredded cheese
- In a saucepan add tomato soup and mac ‘n cheese. On medium heat cook the soup, stirring frequently, until everything is warmed through and slightly bubbling. Top with burrata or shredded cheese and serve in bowls

What did you think?