I won’t blame you if you want to eat this caramel sauce straight from the jar or drizzle it on everything in sight! Been there, stilling doing that! 🙂 It’s seriously the best caramel sauce you will ever taste and SO EASY to make. It doesn’t cost a lot, way cheaper than pre-made caramel sauce, and with flavors that are developed to perfection. This caramel sauce uses the dry cooking method, aka you don’t add any water or liquids to the sugar while it’s melting. You melt and brown the sugar in the pan on its own, to create this depth of flavor that is so insane and turns a non caramel liker into a caramel lover! Don’t believe me? I know it’s hard to when there’s only two ingredients involved and it takes less than 20 minutes to make, but trust me…give this sauce a try.

Two Ingredient Caramel Sauce
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 scant cup heavy whipping cream
1. add sugar to a saucepan and cook on medium heat, once you see the sugar is beginning to melt, stir constantly until sugar liquid is golden brown and completely melted through (no sugar crystals), remove from heat
2. add heavy whipping cream one tbsp at a time, stir until completely incorporated into the sauce before adding next tbsp. Continue until all heavy whipping cream is added and incorporated into the sauce. PLEASE be extremely careful during this step as the hot sugar liquid will boil up and you do not want to get any on you
3. once all heavy whipping cream is added, place saucepan back on the burner and cook, stirring constantly, for 30 more seconds. Remove from heat and strain. Let cool and enjoy! Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks in a air tight container

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