Before we get into the Holiday season of cooking and baking overload, I wanted to give you my everyday snack that I eat! You can throw this together in under 3 minutes, including taking out the ingredients and putting them back. I feel like I need to give you this idea now, because if you’re like me, you do a lot of cooking and baking but don’t actually get to eat what you’re cooking until the next day or days when guests arrive or you bring it to the family get together. Leaving you hungry and tired and in need of a pick me up before you can get a meal! So this right here is my snack that keeps me satisfied during those long days in between meals and not grabbing for candy and chips. But honestly I eat it all year round because it’s my favorite. It’s a perfect throw in your purse, on the go or work at your computer snack too!

This isn’t really a recipe but an idea of what you can throw together because everything is measured with the heart!! I started making & eating this mix, oh I don’t know, about 4 or 5 years ago and it’s been a part of my everyday routine since. I always keep these nuts, dried fruits, and popcorn stocked in my pantry so I can make it whenever I want. The nuts seem to keep me full longer, the fruit and popcorn just add the perfect texture and are a great combination with the salty / sweet balance, then the chocolate chips….well I have a big sweet tooth and it curbs that too! Feel free to add all the ingredients I’ve listed or skip / sub out ones that you don’t like.

Snack Mix
- Pre-made popcorn – I like Skinny Pop
- Peanuts
- Pecans
- Dried apricots
- Dried cranberries
- Dried cherries
- Dark chocolate chips
- In a large bowl mix everything together, measuring with however much you’d like of each ingredient. Store in an airtight container

What did you think?